Wednesday, July 31, 2019

911 and Pearl Harbor

Two Dark Days Pearl Harbor changed the lives of Americans; decades later 9/11 affected a new generation of Americans. Comparing Pearl Harbor and 9/11, written by Fred L. Borch points out inaccuracies of the comparisons that numerous individuals have made between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. The author gives a unique perspective that has partial inaccuracies under the topics; whether or not 9/11 was an intelligence failure, was American unprepared, and military responsibilities. The author uses various facts and statics to support his cause, some creditable, some not.December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001 are two of the darkest days in American History essay writer dubai. The attack on Pearl Harbor began at 7:55 a. m. when 353 Japanese aircrafts dropped bombs on the U. S pacific fleets (Borch 846). With 2, 403 dead, 1,178 wounded, and eight battle ships sunk or damaged and 165 aircraft destroyed, the Japanese had succeeded on their attack. With their success the Japanese only lost a few sh ips and aircraft, and only 185 were killed or wounded. On December 16, 1941 the joint congressional committee declared that Admural E. Kimmel and Lieutenant general Walter c. hort failed to prepare Americans at Pearl Harbor for the attack of the Japanese. On September 11, 2001 most of us were sitting in class while 19 members of Al Quida boarded four commercial airlines, intending to take over and crash all four planes into traditional American landscapes. The first plane to crash, crashed into the north tower of the world trade center. Shortly after a second plane crashed into the south tower of the world trade center. An hour later a third plane struck the pentagon, destroying a portion of the building (Borch 847). The fourth plane crashed into a ruel area of southeast Pittsburgh (Borch 847).By 12:00 p. m. there were 2,823 killed in Manhattan and 189 in Washington, D. C. Days after the attack the U. s government identified Osama bin laden and his Al Queda as responsible for the at tacks. All 19 Al queda high jackers had entered the United States legally. They had student and tourist visas’. They tried to blend into American life; they took flying training at civilian pilot schools (Borch 847). This helped them pilot the planes after they killed commercial pilots. As we continue to blame bin laden for the attacks, he has never claimed responsibility for it, but has released video tapes praising the 9/11 high jackers.He has also threatened more attacks against America. The author raises the question â€Å"was intelligence failure the reason for these attacks. He states that they knew a war with Japan was highly likely. This fact was backed up by a message received saying â€Å"this dispatch is to be considered a warning, negotiation with Japan†¦. have ceased and an aggressive move by Japan is expected with the next few days. † Also after taking command Kimmel and Short were informed that if an attack occurred it would most likely be an air b ombing attack.Borch states that if the Japanese diplomatic messages would have been decrypted, it would have shown there was going to be an attack occurring on December 7, 1941. He also says there was a lack of strategic intelligence. There was a 75 minute tactical warning, when the sinking of Ward, at the mouth of the harbor. Borch said could have made a difference, if Kimmel and Short would have acted upon that warning. Also at 7:02 a. m. radar detected a large number of aircraft approaching Oahu. Both of these warnings were missed.He says that Kimmel and his staff were still arguing about the significance of the wards attack, when the first bombs were dropped on Oahu. As for 9/11 they could have seen it coming because of the previous attacks of the world trade center in 1993, the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, in 2000, and other events. The federal Bureau of investigation and others knew there was going to be an attack on an U. S target. But says no information had been collec ted that could directly point to the Al Queda attacking the world trade center. Both events were said to have no information that existed that a terrorist attack was about to happen.The closest thing that could have helped was the message sent to Pearl Harbor, which was not decrypted. And although there was no imminent proof of both attacks, Kimmel and Short had more information available to them than those of 9/11. With 9/11 no one knew the terrorist themselves learned how to pilot a commercial aircraft there was no tactical warning of the Al Queda attacking. When the first plane crashed into the world trade center, many thought it was an accident. No one knew that terrorist had taken over American and United Airline flights until their suicide mission was too far along to stop (Borch 851).To me there are some difficulties with some of the evidence the author uses, mainly because he uses his opinions. For instance when he says that no one had any evidence about 9/11, false! The 9/1 1 commission report is the official report of the events leading up to the September 11, 2001 attacks. One of the things the commission reported states is that they had evidence that several of the 9/11 hijackers passed through Iran, and indicates that officials in Iran did not place entry stamps in their passports. This and other evidence told there was going to be an attack on the United States.So we did have the intelligence to prevent it, we just didn’t have to funding or resources. Borch says that we couldn’t have collected more information about the attacks and we didn’t have that much information in the first place. But with my prior knowledge and after reading his opinion, it raises the question on how much did they really know? I mean just a few days after the attack they already had suspects! This brings my attention to how secretive the government really is. Granted, they can’t release a lot of information in the fact that half America would go into panic.But as for 9/11 being intelligence failure I would have to disagree. True we didn’t know what day it would happen or how. But with the evidence we did have and the conspiracies, we could have better prepared for it. On the other hand we has Americans have a certain way we do things, and the American way is we can’t do anything till something happens. This brings up the authors next topic which is â€Å"was American unprepared? † Borch states that if Kimmel and Short could have prepared their troops better for this kind of attack.And in turn, might have prevented the attack from happening. Now the unpreparedness regarding 9/11 concerns only what could have been done to prevent a terrorist attack. The unpreparedness of Pearl Harbor existed because of Kimmel and Short. Some reasons would be they were not conducting long-range reconnaissance with the ships and aircrafts, had not integrated their command and control structures, failed to take passive defe nsive measures, and last has not instilled in their commands a sense of urgency or realization that war was upon them (Borch 855).Kimmel had forgotten to order the placement of torpedo netting around the ships and short rejected the use of barrage balloons over the harbor. They say both these measures would have decreased the damage caused by the Japanese. What we could have done to prevent 9/11 was to increase security at U. s airports, place â€Å"sky marshals† on all airline flights, train pilots and aircrews to resist rather than cooperate with high jackers and last infiltrate terrorist cells (Botch 856). Borch makes a very bold argument here.I do agree with him and in what they could have done to prevented these events from happening. But as I said before we are Americans’ and our way is we can’t do anything till something happens. Now, Borch says that attack on Pearl Harbor was because of Kimmel and Short had not taken adequate measures to prevent the atta ck. Just the fact that they were not ready because â€Å"had not taken prudent defensive measures either to repel an attack or to mitigate its effects on their commands† (Borch 858). Personal responsibility is said to be the failure at Pearl Harbor, 9/11 was said to be systemic.Rather a lack of preparedness of September 11, 2001 by the commercial airline security. They did not take the adequate steps to prevent a terrorist attack. Again the author actually has a very bold and logical argument on this topic. He uses logically reasoning in what Pearl Harbor and 9/11 could have done to better prepared, and in turn might have prevented, the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the world trade center. Military responsibility may have been a factor in these two events. With Pearl Harbor Kimmel and Short were to blame.Though they couldn’t have prevented the attack, their failure to prepare an adequate defense makes them-at least partly responsible for what happened (Borch 858). As for 9/11 the men and woman running the FFA and the airlines knew that commercial aircraft were vulnerable to domestic hijacking (Borch 857). They could have expanded security. But that would have cost a lot of money. And as I said before, Americans knew we needed the increased security, but weren’t willing to spend that kind of money. Some thought if they increased security, business would go down.As mentioned before we could have done some things that might have prevented an terrorist attack, but as for 9/11 it was an highly unfortunate event for American, that was conducted carefully and quite brightly by 9 Al Queda. The article as a whole was interesting to read. I don’t agree with everything he mentions because of the fact that it is his opinion, not facts. He gives a few bold statements, as I mentioned before. Borch could have improved this article by organizing it better and make it easier to follow. Instead of jumping from 9/11 to Pearl Harbor over and over, he cou ld have found a better way to do that.Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are both unfortunate events that is a big a part of our history. As my generation experienced 9/11 and our great grandparents and maybe grandparents experienced Pearl Harbor, there are questions that will forever go unanswered. A lot of questions I now have arose after reading this article. Will American learn from their mistakes? Will we think about the blood of innocent lives that was shed in a terrorist attack that may could have been prevented, but we as American’s were too greedy to spend money on increased security.Basically I believe the whole topic of this is that we has American’s have the intelligence but don’t have the funding or resources. And we don’t want to do anything till something happens. But the question is how many more times are we going to have to sit back and watch our fellow Americans bury their sons and daughters, and watch as what was once a famous landscape come fallin g to the ground 100 ft. in front of us, before we do something logical and not do something that is not out of our budget.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What advice would you give the actor playing the part of Othello at 3 key points in the play?

‘Othello' is a typical example of a Shakespearean play, in which a noble, well-respected individual is reduced to a mere mortal, all because of a fatal flaw in their personality. ‘Othello' tells the story of a highly respected army general, who is happily married, and is used to the high life, but the cause of his downfall, is that while training and working in the army, he did not learn the true meaning of love and trust. This left him very gullible to the deceitfulness and lying of others. ‘Othello' is set in Venice, which at the time was the height of glamour and culture. It was set here to give the audience an idea of just how much of a commercial center one place can be. Nowadays, we could associate the then popular Venice, to a modern day Paris, or Sydney, because these are the places that are the height of ‘good living', and are developing new ideas all the time, just like Venice was over 400 years ago. Othello was a black, well-trained army general. The colour of his skin left him vulnerable to racism, as this was very frequent at the time. He would sometimes be referred to as ‘the moor', and would be regularly teased, all because of the colour of his skin. Othello was happily though married though, with Desdemona, even though the age difference between the two was reasonably large. In the end though, it was his innocence to marriage, which was the cause of his undoing. Othello, being an army general, was very well respected throughout Venice, but it was no surprise that someone would quickly become jealous of his success, and try to snatch it away from him. It could only be the one person, who was aware of his weaknesses and whom spent the most part of his life along side Othello. Lago. Throughout the play, I should want the audiences opinion of Othello to change. At first I would like the actor playing Othello to act very self confident, and very calm under pressure. This will show the audience that at first Othello was a great leader, and could handle almost every situation in a relaxed and chilled out manor. After Lago's rumours and hints about Desdemona though, I should want the audience's opinion of Othello to change. Instead of appearing calm and confident, I would like the actor playing Othello to stutter and repeat words, and appear as if he loses confidence about himself. Acting like this, the actor playing Othello, will now panic instead of staying cool, and speak unconfidently instead of his normal poetic and fluent style. In the middle of sentences, he will stop to think about what he is going to say, because he is unconfident of his own ability to choose the right words. This will show the audience how just one flaw in your character, can deteriorate your life away, until you do not believe in yourself. This is what happened to Othello. At the beginning of the play, in Act 1 Scene 2, Othello is confronted by Brabantio, this is because Brabantio thinks that Othello has been ‘tupping' his daughter, Desdemona. This scene shows how calm Othello can be under pressure, as he reacts to Brabantio's abuse, in a chilled out way. He says â€Å"Where it my cue to fight, I would have known it without a prompter†, this emphasizes just how controlled Othello is, and to show this, I would want the actor playing Othello to say these words very lightly and calmly, and with this the audience should see quite clearly that Othello has a very controlled personality. Othello also shows how calmly he acts under pressure, when he instructs the soldiers accompanying Brabantio to â€Å"Keep up your bright swords, for the dew may rust them†, this is another great example of how in control Othello is, because instead of reacting like any other person, and threatening Brabantio, he instantly deflates the atmosphere with these words. With this, comes a very effective direct response to Brabantio. This is shown well when he states, â€Å"Good signor you shall more command with years than your weapons†. With this line, Othello makes it clear that he has a lot of respect for Brabantio, even though Brabantio had very recently insulted Othello with abuse such as â€Å"That thou hast practis'd on her with foul charms†, and â€Å"Abus'd her delicate youth with drugs and minerals†. During this scene I should want the audience to see the good side of Othello. I would want them to see that Othello can be a very controlled and clever person, the person playing Othello should show this by keeping his lines fluent and poetic, and using light gestures and body language, in order to keep the situation between him and Brabantio from spilling over. He should seem to pick his words carefully, so that he could not possibly give one reason for Brabantio to feel at all threatened or mad with him. In this scene Act 3 Scene 3, Lago is planting the seeds of doubt in Othello's mind, regarding Desdemona, and her actions behind Othello's back. With this, Othello's mood changes, and so he becomes uncertain and acceptant of Desdemona's actions. Then, at the end of the scene, Lago has told Othello so many lies, that he explodes in anger, and threatens Desdemona's life. The audience should then see the contrast in personalities of Othello, and the deterioration in which they have taken throughout the last two scenes. The actor playing Othello repeating words unnecessarily, and stuttering in the middle of sentences should show this. At the start of this scene, Lago can sense that his ploy his working, â€Å"The moor already changes with my poison†. This shows that Lago has detected a change in personality of Othello, and that the poison he has injected into Othello may well spread to be even more violent. Othello then enters the scene, and instantly the audience should be able to see the difference in the way in which he acts. One of his first sections speeches contains the word â€Å"farewell† no more than three times. This shows that Othello is suffering under the stress of Lago's rumours, and so is beginning to repeat words over and over again. Just before that Othello had broken into a traumatised speech, â€Å"I swear 'tis better to be much abus'd than but to know't little†. This means that he would rather be beaten, than know only a part of what Desdemona is doing behind is back. This shows how much he fears that Desdemona is having an affair. At this point the audience should be seeing the despairing side of Othello, his language has now changed from calm and poetic, â€Å"My parts, my title, and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly†, into a desperate cry for help and certainty, â€Å"I think my wife be honest, I think she is not†. He then grows to accept the rumours, and so becomes aggressive, â€Å"Villain, be sure to prove my love a whore†. This shows that now Othello thinks Desdemona is cheating on him, he must prove her guilty, this is a sign of acceptance from Othello, and so now he will believe virtually anything Lago tells him. Lago takes this opportunity to anger Othello further with an even bigger lie than before, he goes on to say that he â€Å"lay with Cassio†, and during his sleep Cassio cried out, â€Å"Sweet Desdemona, let us be wary, let us hide our love†. Then he says that Cassio â€Å"kissed me hard, as if he plucked up kisses by the root†. Othello then reacts to this lie with some imagery, â€Å"O monstrous, monstrous! † and â€Å"I'll tear her pieces! † This shows that Othello has believed everything Lago told him, and is now even angrier than before. Then Lago tells his final lie, this will finish off Othello, and make him so that he will never love Desdemona again, it is about Othello's prized possession, a red handkerchief. Lago tells Othello that he has seen the handkerchief in the possession of Cassio. This causes Othello to react ruefully, â€Å"If that be†¦ † he says. This shows that Othello has had enough of Desdemona, even though he has not witnessed any of these ‘happenings'. He says that line, leaving the audience to wonder what Othello could well do to Desdemona. And then, in his anger and confusion, he says the line â€Å"O blood, blood, blood†. Repeating the word blood over and over again, can only make the audience think of what is on his mind. The actor playing Othello should use strong body language when angry, bold gestures could be used to indicate that Othello is feeling very mad, and is liable to over-heat at any given time. In this scene Othello discovers that Lago has being lying all of the time, but he has already killed Desdemona. Othello, at first, believes the rumours about Desdemona, â€Å"She was false as water†, where true. Then Othello confronts Emilia about her husbands actions, at first he accuses Lago, â€Å"Thy husband knew it all†, but then, Othello realises that Lago is his best friend, and so convinces himself that Lago was telling the truth, â€Å"My friend, thy husband, honest, honest Lago†. At this point in the play, Othello is feeling sorrow for himself, and how badly his relationship with Desdemona is deteriorating. To show this to the audience, the actor playing Othello must speak unconfidently, and in a quiet voice, this way the audience should be able to see how Othello's mood has changed from the start of the play, when he has confident and calm. Now that Othello has discovered Lago's lies, he feels a strong remorse towards him, â€Å"Are there no stones in heaven but what serves for the thunder? Precious Villain! † Othello should now acting as with remorse towards Lago. For the audience to see this, the actor playing Othello should, when talking about Lago, curse his words, and become aggressive, snappy and violent. The audience should now be seeing how aggressive Othello could be, this a big difference from the quiet Othello that they have just witnessed minutes previously. Now that Othello has realises what he has done, he pleads the demons of hell for torture, â€Å"O cursed, cursed slave! Whip me, ye devils†. With this implied, Othello now counts himself as the most unfortunate of men, â€Å"That's he that was Othello†. Even being an army general, Othello cannot find it in himself to kill Lago, â€Å"If that thou be'st a devil, I cannot kill thee†. This shows the audience just how good friends Othello and Lago used to be. Even though Lago has ruined Othello's life completely, Othello still cannot kill Lago. Still though, Othello mourns the death of Desdemona, saying â€Å"For in my sense 'tis happiness to die. † Cassio then tells Othello of how â€Å"he himself confessed†, talking about Lago steeling Desdemona's handkerchief. Othello cannot believe himself, that he thought Lago's story to be true, he replies â€Å"O fool, fool, fool! â€Å", referring to his own mistake. Othello is now in a state of devastation, and with this he says, â€Å"I kiss'd thee ere I kill'd thee; no way but this, killing myself to die upon a kiss†. With this, Othello gives the corpse of Desdemona one, final kiss, and kills himself, falling upon Desdemona in peace. At the end of the play, the audience should be feeling sorry for Othello, because of the tragedy he has been lured into. With the drama and sadness that his final line brings, this is the only possible feeling that the audience could possibly have towards Othello. His action throughout the final phase of the play, should have been acted out with no energy, because at this time in the play, Othello has been mentally and physically drained. The audience should be able that, through no fault of his own, the fatal flaw in his character was exposed.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Art, the voice of individual Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Art, the voice of individual - Essay Example Governance supervises the activities of every member of the society including artists. In the past, oppressive governments discouraged the liberty in arts. This made artists become more determined in expressing their works through creative means. From history, politics have always been in constant conflict with the freedom of expression which, coincidentally, made the industry thrive. Through the criticisms of governments, arts have become so celebrated that today most media houses have a creative editorial on the state of governance, social welfare, and even politics within the societies they exist in. This coincidentally validates W. Benjamin’s claims that political values have led to the development of the modern day art (Arthur 66). Arts and craft are expressions of opinions. This simply implies that the two are authentic and do not require any approval from a third party to be accepted as being so. Freedom provides for the right to hold and express opinions on whichever topic rife within the community. Unfortunately, politics has been one of the most common topics within the society thereby attracting more opinions from the populace. Controversies lead to the development of more opinions from people most of which are negative. This explains why only controversial leaders have always been opposed to the growth and development of arts within their societies. A society, on the other hand, refers to a group of people living together in an organized community. This thus implies that the people in a society share certain aspects of life such as culture, norms, and practices. The order inferred to in the definition of society is instilled by politics. A political system entails a structured system of personalities charged with the governance of a country or a region. There are different types of political structures key among which include democracy. Democracy refers to a type of political system in which political leaders are fairly elected from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Consumer Bahviour class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Consumer Bahviour class - Essay Example xists at IKEA is the fact that the consumers will have a wide range of products that they should choose from and that become a problem (Youngme 8).The store has many products that are attractive and that will make it difficult for the consumer to choose from the wide variety. The other consumer behavior problem that exists is the availability of information that regards the products that are found in an IKEA store (Youngme 9). The other problem that is available is the lack of a platform that can be used by the consumers in the comparison of the products found in the store and their competitors (Youngme 13).The other consumer behavior problem that is considered is the availability of quality services that any store provides (Youngme 9). As a manager at IKEA, it would be good to place products of the same kind and those that are complimentary in one area. That will help solve the issue of not being able to choose from a wide variety of products that are available in the store. As a manager, it would be proper to give a wide detail of information about the products that are found in the store. That will help in resolving the consumer behavior problem that is in place. Consumers usually prefer searching information on the products that are availability. That includes the durability of the products and the way in which the products can be used. Therefore, the management should provide information on the products by physical training and provide information on the products via the stores website. The information search analysis will involve both external and internal search. The internal search will involve the recognition of the items that the consumer actually wants while the external search involves using information available about the items. The information may be available from publications and friends. In the case of IKEA, the consumers will consider if the furniture that they choose will be satisfactory according to their desires and according to the social

Saturday, July 27, 2019

ABC Hospital Staff Allocation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

ABC Hospital Staff Allocation - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that at the start of every new year, hospital owners face a difficult challenge. This is the construction of a feasible timetable that satisfies patient and institutional needs. The difficulty of this challenge is to consider patient needs and satisfy them as much as possible. During the registration period, patients complete a registration form which includes any specific requirements or needs to be considere. Once the registration phase is completed, the hospital owner needs to separate patients with needs from the rest of the group and prioritize them during the hospital scheduling phase. The timetabling of the hospital can take a lot of time to construct considering the amount of patients enrolled. The owner’s aim is to satisfy the patient’s needs as much as possible. The resulting timetable, which was created manually with a piece of paper and a pen, may not satisfy all constraints as much as it could. More research was d one in order to find the most appropriate software and programming language that can handle constraints accordingly. Gathering knowledge from books on the subject and websites through internet searching helped gain an understanding of the constraint logic programming principles and methodologies. In order to get familiar with the software and the programming language the researched was mainly focused on its programming principles and capabilities. Constraint Logic Programming is based upon integrating Constraint Solving and Logic Programming. Combination of the two types of programming makes it both expressive and flexible and in some cases more efficient than other programming languages. After having attained knowledge and understanding of this type of programming, a program was constructed to satisfy the needs of the patients in order to create a hospital schedule for the hospital. Different approaches were tried in order to develop such an application and findings and results of this development are shown in the next pages. Appendix B contains the rest of the elements necessary to the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Attitude Toward Aging Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Attitude Toward Aging Process - Essay Example They are faced with other complications such as hearing and eyesight impairment, memory loss and diminished joint mobility. Wrinkling of skin We need to infuse change in the nurses' attitude since they are not just interested in the status of elderly health. For this case this negative attitude should be changed fro them to be able to serve elderly people with confidence in future. The medical curriculum recommended interdisciplinary subject that includes multiple specialty subject on aging process and a number of diseases of elderly people. The subject provided both community and hospital based teaching materials. Since then there are a number of theory have come up to explain the aging process. (Rieder, 2004) These theories are the wear and tear theories and Genome based theories. The wear and tear theories are old theories which include; cross linkage theory, free radical theory, error catastrophe theory and the waste product accumulation theory. On the other hand, the genome based theories are the most recent theories of the aging process and they include; somatic mutation, finite doubling potential of cells and the programmed aging. (Rieder, 2004) According to Reider (2004), people with over 65 years in United States most often spend a lot of their time in health care than those below the age of 65 years.

Matrix Organization Structure in Jebal Ali Harbor Case Study

Matrix Organization Structure in Jebal Ali Harbor - Case Study Example The whole project was very complex, owing to the nature of the land terrain on which the project was undertaken, coupled with the immense risks involved, such as the risk of gulf fall. The Jebal Ali Harbor project was characterized by lack of bureaucracy, where the major decisions that were made impromptu, did not require bureaucratic procedures to be approved but were immediately rendered to tests and assessments, after which they were easily approved if they proved economical and feasible. Communication among the project team members was also smooth, despite the fact that the project comprised of diverse experts and contractors with different experiences and specializations. This enhanced the team coordination and promoted the project success. â€Å"Matrix organization structure† refers to a structure of an organization that has operations running from different locations, but the structure of the management team is arranged such that the top management is only located in the organization’s major office or headquarters, while the low-level managers are based on different site locations, where the organization has some businesses running, and the chain of command flows from the different locations. Pauling plc. is a good example of a contractor operating a â€Å"matrix organization structure†, with the top management of the company; the managing director based in London, the general manager based in Dubai, and the manager of the project based at the site location; Jebel Ali, where the construction process is ongoing. In the Pauling’s case, the chain of command is such that, the Managing Director based in London makes crucial decisions regarding the project, while the general manager implements th e decisions through delegating the same to the manager of the project on site. Nevertheless, both the project manager and the general manager make relevant decisions, based on the project situations, while consulting the same with the managing director.  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Research Proposal Example hts refer to the moral norms or principles that generally describe some specific human behavior standards which are protected regularly as legal rights according to the set of International Law. The rights are inherent for all human beings irrespective of their age, nationality, gender, ethnicity, religion and place. However, in practice it is found that there are major sections of people who are deprived of certain human rights because of the existence of discrimination among the people based on different factors including race, gender, nationality and many more (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, â€Å"Defending Human Rights: A Resource Book for Human Rights Defenders†). Defending or protection of human rights has become a major challenge for the government of different countries and people are also required to defend their own human right. It is very essential for the government and legal authorities to implement effective laws and regulations that woul d help in providing the respective human right to every section of people in the society and further avoid discrimination (Freedomhouse, â€Å"Defending Regional Human Rights Protection Mechanisms: The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights under Attack†). Additionally, the human rights states that there should not be inequality among the people based on diverse discriminating factors. More awareness should be created among the people regarding the importance of defending human right so that people are equally treated and they receive what they deserve being responsible citizen of society (OSCE/ODIHR, â€Å"Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders†). Some human rights defenders focuses on encouraging Government as a whole to fulfill human rights obligations, for example by publicizing information on the Government’s record of implementing human rights standards and monitoring progress made (OHCHR, â€Å"Human Rights Defenders: Protecting the Ri ght to Defend Human

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Troy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Troy - Essay Example In fact, at the very beginning of The Iliad, Achilles is upset (to say the least) with Agamemnon, and asks his mother, Thetis, to intervene by convincing Zeus to favor Achilles. Thetis does this, and it offends the goddess Hera. So goes the course of actions in The Iliad. At different times throughout The Iliad, the action scenes are actually gods and goddesses fighting amongst, and betraying, one another. This is very different from Troy, in which all of the action revolves around the main characters fighting Homer’s The Iliad is just his precursor for The Odyssey, so one of the other obvious differences is that The Iliad ends with the funeral of Hector. Troy ends with the burning of the city, citizens fleeing for their lives, and the death of Achilles. Again, the importance of these details depends on what watchers of Troy already know. Students and scholars might be a little more inclined to deem the movie version unrealistic; however, those without prior knowledge or passion for the material may not care that Troy seems to be one long saga, rather than two separate pieces of epic poetry. David Benioff is the screenwriter who adapted Homer’s visions. Not speaking technically, he did a good job. Troy director Wolfgang Peterson did, of course, stray some from Homer’s vision, but overall the movie seemed to be an attempt to please even the layperson. Benioff’s translations are uncomplicated. The language of more modern versions of The Iliad is easy, which is what Benioff was after. Older, less translated versions of The Iliad are much more complicated. More often than not, novice readers would be more comfortable with the format Benioff uses. Even with the screenwriting and director’s license, the movie basically conveys Homer’s theme. The Iliad is a love story. So is Troy. The Iliad is action-packed. So is Troy. The mood of Troy is somewhat different than The

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Overview of HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Overview of HRM - Essay Example As this research shall argue, however, contrary to the popular assumption that compensation schemes are the primary method for doing so, it is the collectivity of HR functions which impinge upon, and have the potential to transform the mentioned culture. In other words, while one cannot deny the fundamental role which compensation plays in affecting employee motivation levels, enhancing organisational commitment and, ultimately, transforming the dominant organisational culture, it would be fallacious and, consequently, indefensible to ignore a host of other HRM practices which, taken as a collectivity, effectively modify organisational culture and increase employees' commitment. This section introduces several perspectives of HRM in both the U.S. society and the Western European society. In the management research literature in the United States of America, scholars are more concerned about the functions and roles played by HRM. The function of HRM has experienced an evolutionary process in business organisations. It used to be reactive, operational, and domestic. It was 'personnel management'. After 1990s, human capital has become more and more important due to the emergence of the new economy. Both researchers and practitioners have realized the strategic role played by HRM. The resource-based theory (Barney, 2001) looks within the firm itself. This suggests human assets are one of the major sources bringing about core competence for the business organisations; HRM thus becomes an important issue. Huselid (1995; 1998) propose High Performance Work Practices (HPWP), Pfeiffer (1994) propose the best practice models. From American literature on HRM, one can see the strong inclination of universalism, the optimism on human potential development. The European scholars, however, are more concerned about the contextual factors shaping the HRM practices of companies. According to Brewster (1996), the societal culture, ownership structures, government attitude to foreign investment, the roles of union are major factors determining HRM policies and practices in context-specific situations. Such perspective helps to understand the unique situations and differences between nations in their HRM practices as well as how MNCs try to adapt to local practices. In international business literature, Evans, Tayeb (2001) argue that human resource management makes contribution to organisational performance by playing three roles. The basic role is building the foundations of attracting, motivating and retaining people in place. The second role is realigning it to the environmental change and reconfiguring the different elements as time evolves. As the competition becomes fierce and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Proposal on Energy Audit Essay Example for Free

Proposal on Energy Audit Essay Proposal Energy Audit: An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy, flows for energy conservation in a building, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output(s). Energy audit identifies opportunities for financial savings by elimination of wasteful use of electricity, coal and fuel oil, without affecting the process or quality of product. Need for Energy Audit: It has been established that Energy savings of the order of 5 to 20% are possible by optimizing use of Energy with better house keeping, low cost retrofitting measures and use of Energy efficient equipment at the time of replacement, renovation or up gradation. Pakistan Electrical Energy Scenario: Electrical power is indeed the blood supply to the muscles of our industrial and informational societies. We take the ready availability of electricity for granted as a source of light, propulsion, heat and refrigeration and only seem to notice its importance if it is suddenly unavailable. Our information and telecommunications systems, our transport systems and modern medicine all depend on electricity as an energy source. The economic engine and the wheels of industry, agriculture and business need energy to move forward. On the social aspect, energy consumption per capita is a key indicator of the quality of life of the citizens and community. Unfortunately in Pakistan, in spite of all claims and rhetoric by all governments, real solutions to meet the energy equirements of the nation have never been formulated or achieved. As a consequence, Pakistan’s economic, industrial and social growth has been greatly constrained. Due to an increasing gap in energy demand versus capacity. The crisis, of course, needs long-term energy generation solutions. But it also needs immediate energy conservation. And one important way of doing this is through Energy audit HESCO Profile HESCO is a public utility company, providing electricity to the entire Sindh province, except for Karachi and parts of the Thatta district. HESCO was incorporated in 1998 under the Companies Ordinance 1984. My research leads to Energy Audit of particular Industry that comes in Hyderabad Circle of Hesco. Area of Operations of HESCO Hyderabad Circle-I (5 Divisions, 22 Sub-Divisions) Hyderabad Circle-II

About Health Education Taught In Schools

About Health Education Taught In Schools Should health education be taught in schools? In this day and age, health problems play a pivotal role in Ss„Â ¢ ability to come to school, stay in school and make the best performance during their studies whether in primary schools, secondary schools or in universities. Developing the health of student can also be done well by the schools which lack healthcare resources. According to a survey of a 12.5 per cent of sample of schools in England and Wales (Williams, 1985), some 87 per cent of primary schools were teaching about health and a further 4 per cent planned to do so in the near future. The comparable figures for secondary schools were 85 per cent and 9 per cent respectively. Most people agree with that school should do more on health education, but others believe that there are also many drawbacks on health education in schools. What is health education? ( promotion in schools is not just about encouraging children and young people to eat well and to exercise; it encompasses a much broader holistic approach. This approach is called the whole school approach, which includes promoting the physical, social, spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing of all pupils and staff. This essay will identify and discuss the positive and negative sides of it. Recently, health education is gaining popularity in all kinds of schools among all kinds of students .It has many shining points. Developing the health, hygiene and nutrition of children is an important thing to school because it„Â ¢s difficult to children to learn when they are hungry or sick. But safe physical surroundings and advantageous psychosocial surroundings should be guarantee of a good school policy, and it also should avoid molestation, insulting language and discrimination; using drug, alcohol and tobacco isn„Â ¢t allowable of a good school policy and the same to violence and bullying. Students can improve their health-related knowledge, attitudes, skills, and stimulate the interest of children to concentrate their energy and improve their health, take precautions against disease and avoid health-related risk behaviors in a variety of health areas by health education. Firstly, health education is benefit to children„Â ¢s physiology via two aspects: h ealth eating and physical activities. Via health education, children can learn more knowledge of healthy food choices which can contribute the children„Â ¢s confidence, skills, knowledge and understanding. By learning the knowledge of choosing healthy food, it will increase children„Â ¢s consumption of complex carbohydrates, and decrease their consumption of saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar, then increase their level of habitual physical activity; after it, children will generalize these changes to other family members.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Education system in india

Education system in india ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to present my votes of thanks to all those guidepost who really acted as lightening pillars to enlighten our way throughout this project that has led to successful and satisfactory completion of this study. I am highly thankful to Mr. Pankaj Jain for her active support, valuable time and advice, whole-hearted guidance, sincere cooperation and pains-taking involvement during the study and in completing the assignment of preparing the said paper within the time stipulated. Without the active participation of our teachers it would have been extremely difficult for me to prepare the project in a time bound framework. HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN INDIA Indian education history is very rich and motivating. In the ancient days, gurus and scholars impart education orally, but after the development of letters, it took the form of writing. Palm leaves and barks of trees were used for teaching, and this in turn helped in spreading of the written literature. Temples and community centres often took the role of school. When Buddhism spread in India, education become available to everyone and this was the time when some world famous educational institutions were established like Nalanda, Vikramshila and Takshashila. History has taken particular care to give Nalanda University, which flourished from the fifth to 13th century AD, full credit for its brilliance. This university had around 10,000 resident students and teachers on its roll at one time. These students included Chinese, Sri Lankan, Korean and other international scholars. It was in the 11th century that the Muslims recognized elementary and secondary schools. This led to the formi ng of few universities too at cities like Delhi, Lucknow and Allahabad. Medieval period saw excellent interaction between Indian and Islamic customs in all fields of knowledge like theology, religion, philosophy, fine arts, painting, architecture, arithmetic, medicine and astronomy. Later, when British arrived in India, English education came into being with the help of the European missionaries. Since then, Western education gained advances in the country. With hundreds of universities and thousands of colleges affiliated to them, India has positioned itself happily as a country that provides superiority higher education to its people in specific and to the world in general. PRESENT EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA The present education system in India mainly comprises of- primary education, secondary education, senior secondary education and higher education Elementary education consists of eight years of education. Each of secondary and senior secondary education consists of two years of education. Higher education in India starts after passing the higher secondary education or the 12th standard. Depending on the stream(Arts,Commerce or Science). Doing graduation in India can take three to five years. Post graduate courses are generally of two to three years of duration. After completing post graduation, scope for doing research in various educational institutes also remains open. The growing receiving of distance learning courses and growth of the open university system is also causative a lot in the democratization of higher education in india. WORLD CLASS HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTES IN INDIA: There are quite a good number of educational institutes in India that can compete with the best educational institutes of the world and made India recognizable in the International Education. Some of them are as follows- Ø The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Ø Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), Ø Indian Institutes of Science, National Law Schools, Ø Jawaharlal Nehru University are some such institutes. FACILITIES OF EDUCATION TO MARGINALIZED IN INDIA: As education is the means for bringing socio- economic transformation in a society, various measures are being taken to enhance the access of teaching to the marginalized sections of the society. One such measure is the introduction of the reservation system in the institutes of higher education. Under the present law:- (1) 7.5% seats in the higher educational institutes are reserved for the scheduled tribes, (2) 15% for scheduled castes and 27% for the non creamy layers of the Other Backward Classes (OBCs). PRESENT SCENARIO OF INDIAN EDUCATION : Soon after independence in 1947, making education available to all had become a priority for the government. As discrimination on the basis of caste and gender has been a major hurdle in the healthy development of the Indian society, it also restricted the educational development of the nation as a whole. The 86th constitutional amendment has also made elementary education a fundamental right for the children between the age group- 6 to 14. According to the 2001 census:- Ø The total literacy rate in India is 65.38% . Ø The female literacy rate is only 54.16% The gap between rural and urban literacy rate is also very significant in India. This is evident from the fact that only 59.4% of rural population are literate as against 80. 3% urban population according to the 2001 census PUBLIC PRIMARY EDUCATION IN INDIA- AN OVERVIEW: Early childhood education in India is subject to two extreme but contrary deficiencies. On the one hand, millions of young children in lower income groups, especially rural and girl children, comprising nearly 40% of first grade entrants never complete primary school. Even among those who do, poorly qualified teachers, very high student-teacher ratios, inadequate teaching materials and out- moded teaching methods result in a low quality of education that often imparts little or no real learning. It is not uncommon for students completing six years of primary schooling in village public schools to lack even rudimentary reading and writing skills. PRIVATE PRIMARY EDUCATION IN INDIA- AN OVERVIEW: Cildren attending urban schools, especially middle and upper class children in private schools, are subjected to extreme competitive pressures from a very early age to acquire basic language skills and memorize vast amounts of information in order to qualify for admission into the best schools. Parents and teachers exert intense pressure on young children to acquire academic skills at an age when children should be given freedom and encouraged to learn as a natural outcome of their curiosity, playfulness and eagerness to experiment. Necessary steps should be taken to avoid unnecessary pressure for childrens. GOVERNANCE OF PRIMARY EDUCATION: Schemes undertaken by the government: Ø State-wise Allocation of Central Governments Share Made Ø Under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in India (2006-2007) State-wise Amount Spent on Elementary Education from Component of Prambhik Shiksha Kosh in India (2006-2007 and 31.10.2007) State-wise Targets and Achievements under Sarva Shiksha Abhiayan (SSA) in India (2002-2007) Selected State-wise Number of Additional Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) Sanctioned in India (As on 01.02.2006) Funds Released to North Eastern States under CentrallySponsored Schemes for Operation Blackboard and Non Formal Education in India (1997-1998 to 2000-2001) Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources under Centrally Sponsored Schemes for Elementary Education for North Eastern States in India (1999-2000 and 2000-2001 Progress Recorded under Shiksha Karmi Project in India (upto september2001) Efforts are also being taken to improve the access to higher education among the women of India by setting up various ecational institutes exclusively for them or eserving seats in the already existing institutes. Development so far:- Under SSA, Ø 1.47 lakh primary schools have been opened across the country, Ø 1.23 lakh primary schools have been upgraded to have upper primary classes. Ø 9.86 lakh teachers have been recruited, Ø children are provided free textbooks, Ø teachers are provided periodic in-service training, Ø Mid-day meal is provided to all children in classes 1-8 in Ø Government and Government aided schools. GOVERNANCE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION The National Council Of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is the legal body for governing the curriculam matters for school education in India. The NCERT provides support and technical assistance to a number of schools in India and give guidance to many educational policies in India. Different Indian curriculam bodies governing school Education in India are as follows:- The State Government Board The Central Board Of Secondary Education ( CBSE ) Board The Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations ( CISCE) Board The Indian Certificate Of Secondary Education ( ICSE ) Board The National Institute Of Open Schooling ( NIOS ) Board GOVERNANCE OF HIGHER EDUCATION In order to develop the higher education system, the government had established the University Grants Commission in 1953(UGC) . The primary role of UGC has been to regulate the standard and spread of higher education in India. There has been a marked progress in the expansion of higher education if we look at the increase of higher educational institutes in India. The higher education system in India comprise of more than17000 colleges, 20 central universities, 217 State Universities, 106 Deemed to Universities and 13 institutes of Natioanl importance. Under the Indian constitution, various minority groups can also set up their own educational institutes. This number will soon inflate as the setting up of30 more central universities, 8 new IITs, 7 IIMs and 5 new Indian Institutes of science are now proposed. PESTLE ANALYSIS OF EDUCATION P POLITICAL ANALYSIS SCHOOL LEVEL Schools being privatised (like the NHS) A government initiative creates the risk that the school may fail to deliver the policy or be diverted away from local priorities etc.Changes tothe skills required to be a teacher/ tutor Changes to curriculum with short lead times Requirement to be self managing Requirement to be self financing HIGHER LEVEL- Funding allocations to Universities and level of priority given to HE/ science.Funding allocations within the University. RAE 2008 process and its suggested replacements.University league tables and rankings. â€Å"In vogue† research disciplines. Institutional policies on IPR and open access. Publisher lobbying and the DTI. EC position on research dissemination. Pressure for global dissemination of resources including redressing the balance between information poor and information rich. Competitor institutions. Research peaks. Future of the White Rose consortium and regional cooperation in HE. What happens to work when researchers move institutions? E ECONOMICAL ANALYSIS- SCHOOL LEVEL- Central or local government funding decisions may affect school/ establishment finances Closure of a local industry may affect fund raising plans etc. Ability of parents to raise funds for optional activities The need to run breakfast/ after schools clubs Ability to invest savings/ surpluses Cost of providing resources: Ø Staff teaching support Ø Basics books/ paper Ø Technology solutions laptops etc Interest rates Shortages of materials on national/ international markets Over provision of school places in the area resulting in competition from neighbouring schools The risk of highly valued, key staff moving on to more „up and coming schools/ academies. HIGHER LEVEL- Overall funding allocations to Universities from government and from Research . Councils.Use of short term contracts for researchers. VAT on electronic publications. Publisher business model and the possible impact of open access.. Cost of data storage. Cost of digital preservation actions and/or services. Priority given to outward facing technical services in a Financially Restricted environment. Journal subscription model may be in transition; libraries universities may worry they are paying for the same thing three times. Repository services are unlikely to be income generating or, only indirectly. Student debt may make a research career less attractive. S SOCIAL ANALYSIS SCHOOL LEVEL- Decline in birth rate, reflecting national trends. Local population changes (increasing/ decreasing numbers) . Demographic changes may affect likely pupil rolls or the nature of pupils needse.g. pupils with English as a second language etc. Closure of local firms providing employment Inability to attract staff. Social networking blogs, facebook, twitter Changes to qualifications expected. Integration with local community. Integration of students with special needs. parental preference an increase in „parent power has allowed. parents more freedom of choice over their child s school. the risk of highly valued, key staff moving on to more up-and- coming establishments. Information is accessible to staff anywhere in the world via the Internet. Staff were not given enough training or access to effectively change their habits and how they expected information to be made available. HIGHER LEVEL- Widening participation. Increased student to staff ratios.. Use of short term contracts for researchers. Commodification of HE; emphasis on HE for monetary gain. Possible lack of lecturers and researchers in the future. Public attitudes towards science and scientific knowledge; demand for scientific information. Globalisation of science; possibly more democratic access to dissemination mechanishs. T TECHNOLOGICAL ANALYSIS SCHOOL LEVEL- Changes to standards/ equipment required. Risk of selecting the wrong technology at times of change (i.e. windows -v- open source).New computer viruses may affect school/ college operations, Disturbing/ illegal images on the internet may affect ICT security measures etc.Move from paper based books to e-book readers. Computer hardware being out of date.Computer software being out of date. Time to manage IT systems. HIGHER LEVEL- Widespread availability of internet access including developing countries. Development of GRID computing. Development of virtual learning environments and virtual research Environments. Generation of increasingly complex digital objects during research. Development of common interoperability standards. Development of metadata standards. Urgent need for digital preservation protocols. Need for and cost of data storage. Massive proliferation of email. Developing scientific disciplines; new potential for research. Increased expectations of end users re quality and manner of data delivery. Increasing level of skills needed, particularly programming, to be classed as a â€Å"techie†. Anyone can be a publisher: different publishing models. Possible new models for peer review. Local IT development priorities. LITERACY RATE IN INDIA As per 2001 Census, the overall literacy rate of India is 65.38%. The male literacy rate is 75.96% and female literacy rate is 54.28%. Ranking of States and Union Territories by Literacy Rate States literacy rate male literacy rate female literacy rate Kerala 90.92 94.20 87.86 Mizoram 88.49 90.69 86.13 Lakshadweep (U.T.) 87.52 93.15 81.56 Goa 82.32 88.88 75.51 Delhi (U.T.) 81.82 87.37 75.00 Chandigarh (U.T.) 81.76 85.65 76.65 Pondicherry (U. T.) 81.49 88.89 74.13 (U.T.) 81.18 86.07 75.29 Daman Diu (U.T.) 81.09 88.40 70.37 Maharashtra 77.27 86.27 67.51 Himachal Pradesh 77.13 86.02 68.08 Tripura 73.66 81.47 65.41 Tamil Nadu 73.47 82.33 64.55 Uttaranchal 72.28 84.01 60.26 Gujarat 69.97 80.50 58.60 Punjab 69.95 75.63 63.55 Sikkim 69.68 76.73 61.46 West Bengal 69.22 77.58 60.22 Manipur 68.87 77.87 59.70 Haryana 68.59 79.25 56.31 Nagaland 67.11 71.77 61.92 Karnataka 67.04 76.29 57.45 Chhatisgarh 65.18 77.86 52.40 This table shows the literacy rate of various state in india. EDUCATIONAL TARGETS OF 11 th YEAR PLAN Reduce dropout rates of children from elementary school from 52.2% in 2003-2004 to 20% by 2011-2012 Develop minimum standard of educational attainment in elementary school, and by regular testing moniter effectiveness of education to ensure quality. Increase literacy rate for people of age seven years or more to 85% Lower genger gap in literacy to 10 percentage point Increase the percentage of each cohort going to higher higher education from the present 10% to 15% by the end of the eleventh plan.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing the Role of Women in Their Eyes Were Watching God and Go Tell

The Role of Women in Their Eyes Were Watching God and Go Tell It On the Mountain   Ã‚   Historically, the job of women in society is to care for the husband, the home, and the children. As a homemaker, it has been up to the woman to support the husband and care for the house; as a mother, the role was to care for the children and pass along cultural traditions and values to the children. These roles are no different in the African-American community, except for the fact that they are magnified to even larger proportions. The image of the mother in African-American culture is one of guidance, love, and wisdom; quite often the mother is the shaping and driving force of African-American children. This is reflected in the literature of the African-American as a special bond of love and loyalty to the mother figure. Just as the role of motherhood in African-American culture is magnified and elevated, so is the role of the wife. The literature reflects this by showing the African-American man struggling to make a living for himself and his family with his wife either being emotionally or physically submissive. Understanding the role of women in the African-American community starts by examining the roles of women in African-American literature. Because literature is a reflection of the community from which it comes, the portrayal of women in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937) and James Baldwin's Go Tell it on the Mountain (1952) is consistent with the roles mentioned above.    Their Eyes Were Watching God is a good place to start examining the roles of African-American women. It is written by a woman, Zora Neale Hurston, and from a woman's perspective. This book examines the relationship between Janie and... ...       Works Cited and Consulted Baldwin, James. Go Tell it on the Mountain (1952). New York: Bantam-Dell, 1952. Bourn, Byron D. "Women's Roles in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and James Baldwin's Go Tell It On the Mountain" Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937). : Urbana, Ill.: U of Illinois P, 1937. Kubitschek, Missy Dehn. " 'Tuh de Horizon and Back': The Female Quest in Their Eyes Were Watching God." Modern Critical Interpretations: Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Pondrom, Cyrena N. "The Role of Myth in Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God." American Literature 58.2 (May 1986): 181-202. Williams, Shirley Anne. Forward. Their Eyes Were Watching God. By Zora Neale Hurston. New York: Bantam-Dell, 1937. xv.      

Friday, July 19, 2019

Husserl y la Crisis de la Cultura :: Spanish Essays

Husserl y la Crisis de la Cultura ABSTRACT: The topic of the crisis of culture has been common among philosophers whose thought developed during the beginning of the 20th century, and especially among those who lived through the hard times of the interwar period. Husserl was no exception. I intend in this paper a modest approach to the growth of this subject in the founder of phenomenology. I will attempt to: (1) delimit what Husserl meant by culture; (2) identify the reasons for the crisis of culture; and (3) find a solution to this crisis. La siguiente comunicacià ³n va a constar de tres secciones. En la primera, que se llevarà ¡ la parte del leà ³n, voy a tratar de acotar aquello que Husserl entiende por cultura tanto en su sentido descriptivo como normativo. En la segunda, veremos por quà © eso a lo que à ©l hace referencia con semejante tà ©rmino se halla, en su opinià ³n, en crisis. Por à ºltimo, y ya en una brevà ­sima tercera parte, se tratarà ¡ de dar cuenta del camino que al decir de Husserl es necesario emprender para buscar una salida a semejante situacià ³n de crisis cultural. 1. La doble definicià ³n husserliana de cultura: descripcià ³n y normatividad Creo que no es una mala estrategia a la hora de abordar quà © entiende Husserl por cultura, el comenzar por la biparticià ³n ontolà ³gica que hace del mundo en naturaleza (Natur) y espà ­ritu (Geist). Son muchos los lugares donde se nos habla profusamente de ello. Haciendo un resumen sumario del tema, podrà ­amos decir que el à ¡mbito de la naturaleza es el de las cosas materiales, el de los entes vistos desde la pura exterioridad espaciotemporal, siendo la ley en base a la cual se rigen la necesidad causal. En contraposicià ³n a ello, el mundo del espà ­ritu es aquel en el que lo esencial no viene dado por las relaciones exterior-causales que se dan entre los objetos, sino por la significatividad humana que conforma nuestro primer y primordial contacto con la realidad. Es decir, el mundo del espà ­ritu es el mundo del significado, del sentido, aquello que constituye propiamente nuestro cosmos y nos es dado, en primera instancia, como un regalo por nuestros antepasados. Seme jante mundo sà ³lo puede brotar del yo y su vida de conciencia o, mejor dicho, de un yo (no entro aquà ­ en la distincià ³n yo, hombre, persona, subjetividad trascendental) y una vida de conciencia que se encuentran siempre en constante interrelacià ³n con otros yoes.

Why You Should Purchase a PC :: essays research papers fc

Why You Should Purchase A PC Computers are capable of doing more things every year. There are many advantages to knowing how to use a computer, and it is important that everyone know how to use them properly. Using the information I have gathered, and my own knowledge from my 12 years of computer experience, I will explain the many advantages of owning a computer and knowing how to use a PC and I will attempt to explain why you should purchase a computer and learn how to use one properly. Webster's New World Compact Dictionary defines a computer as "an electronic machine that performs rapid, complex calculations or compiles and correlates data" ("Computer."). While this definition gives one a very narrow view of what a computer is capable of doing, it does describe the basic ideas of what I will expand upon. We have been living through an age of computers for a short while now and there are already many people world wide that are computer literate. According to Using Computers: A Gateway to Information World Wide Web Edition, over 250 million Personal Computers (PC's) were in use by 1995, and one out of every three homes had a PC (Shelly, Cashman,& Waggoner, 138). Computers are easy to use when you know how they work and what the parts are. All computers perform the four basic operations of the information processing cycle: input, process, output, and storage. Data, any kind of raw facts, is required for the processing cycle to occur. Data is processed into useful information by the computer hardware. Most computer systems consist of a monitor, a system unit which contains the Central Processing Unit (CPU), a floppy-disk drive, a CD-ROM drive, speakers, a keyboard, a mouse, and a printer. Each component takes a part in one of the four operations. The keyboard and mouse are input devices that a person uses to enter data into the computer. From there the data goes to the system unit where it is processed into useful information the computer can understand and work with. Next the processed data can be sent to storage devices or to output devices. Normally output is sent to the monitor and stored on the hard-disk or to a floppy-disk located internal of the system unit. Output can also be printed out through the printer, or can be played through the speakers as sound depending on the form it takes after it is processed. Once you have grasped a basic understanding of the basic parts and operations of a computer, you can soon discover what you can do with computers

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Interface Culture: New Technology Transforms the Way

Steven Berlin Johnson is known for his reputation of being able to scale what the future holds through a differential paradigm that he sets basing from the present society. His ability to do so has made most of his books a must read especially for those who are enthusiasts of change. Through the researches that he does, he has made it certain that the changes in the world that affects the human society are clearly explained and outlined as to how they positively or negatively affect the human development.Through this, social and technological developments have been widely used as a topic for his books. Steven Berlin Johnson at present continues to startle the world of book-publication with his style of research and writing. He lives with his wife and two sons while he continues to write other books and do several columns for the internet at and he is the present editor of the Wired Magazine. He also continues to share his ideas to the young generation by b eing a resident writer in the Journal paper of the New York University Department of Journalism.Among his other works include â€Å"The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Epidemic and Hoe it changed Science, Cities and the Modern World†. This book has also been   one of the best selling published work of Johnson after he launched the â€Å"Interface Culture†.I.About the BookInterface Culture showed that one of the greatest advancements that the human society ever jumped into for the past ten decades was the development of the cyberspace or the Internet. Before the said advancement, it could be observed that seas and mountains have separated the world, and that people were living in two different sides of the world and that communication from both sides was not that easy to incur.However, with the introduction of the cyber world, everything changes. It just happens that with just one click of a button, an individual could already be wired through to the world. Th is is the idea that Johnson point out in his written work. This book has been mainly devoted to help the society see the actual effects that the internet caused the cultures and the personal and behavioral development of people at present.Certainly, it is through this book that Johnson himself tried to outline the future possibilities that could be brought about by technology in changing the actual view of the society as a whole to the reality of culture mixing and global peace as well. It could be noted that through this written work, he naturally gave life to the widely used system of communication. He clearly points out that a world without computers is quite unimaginable for the generation that has just been born today. To them, it would the past years without the existence of computers may have been quite boring an uncivilized. Yes, cyber world has completely changed the views of the society from what is necessary and what is simply a luxury in life.II.Summary of the BookInterf ace Culture focuses of technological advancements of communication, particularly the internet, and how it affects the society at present. The said book by Johnson has been mainly a rhetorical writing that helps the readers understand the reality of â€Å"Interface† and the great impact that it has upon the lives of those who are directly linked to the said technological development.The interface avant-garde has quite been the core idea of the discussion that Johnson has presented in this book. The use of GUI’s (Graphical User Interface) have made it possible for certain individuals, even those who are not specifically involved in the usage of the Internet has caused much individual advancements among people in the society. It is mainly pointed out in this book that the changes that the introduction of the cyber world has radically performed social connection among races around the globe.Among the said advancements, Johnson focused on the social impact of the said Inter face. Cultures from around the world are already wired together and are thus able to learn about each other with just a click of the button. It could not be denied that it is through the Internet that people are educated about what happens on the other side of their own share of the globe.Yes, the world became smaller and the nations became close neighbors. The Internet even surpassed what televisions could provide through actual-time-video-streaming. What happens within other countries could easily be observed by other through the connection that they have. With the Interface culture, anything is possible. Working, studying, researching and other things could already be done anywhere using a computer and the connection that the Internet provides.With the existence of the cyber world, anything becomes possible and everything becomes easy within reach by anybody who is wired to the Interface Culture.III.The Main Theme and IdeaThe Internet is the doorway to interface culture (Johnson, 5). This is the most significant claim that Johnson particularly send to the readers through his book. It is through the wired culture that the society is connected to one another giving them the chance to understand people form all over the world and thus gain a wider perspective of why things happen.It also opens up the mind of the people to the possibility of gaining peace through the wired connection that they have. Although discrimination and things a like has not been removed, it could be observed that cross-cultural relationships has been constantly developing ever since the Internet has been introduced.However, along with the great provisions that the Internet provides the society, it could be noted that there too are those disadvantages that it brings the world. As it could be noted, it is not only the positive things that are presented through the Internet, there also exists several fraud and chaotic reports that are presented through cyberspace. However, it is upon the u sers’ discretion on which kind of reported occurrences he should believe and thus be affected by such. It still remains true that the actual development in the society still lies within the people’s decisions and not through the technological breakthroughs that the Internet makes accessible to the society.IV. The Book’s Relation to RealityWithout any doubt, the book of Johnson clearly gives an actual view of the present society as to how it is directly affected by the development of technology. Certainly, because of the fact that everything in the present society of man is affected by technology and the existence of Internet, it is thus helpful that the realities behind the existence of the said invention is directly presented to readers.As for the author of this paper, the important impact that it brings is simply the fact that the book covers much of the present situation of mankind as directly related to the cyberspace involvement. The said development has be en causing several changes that impacts people’s lives as common individuals. The strong effect that computers along with internet-based communication provide has mainly re-shifted the views of the entire society from traditional to a completely modern perspective of life and living as well.V. Evaluation and CritiqueAs an overall reaction upon the work done by Johnson in his book, it could be observed that his researches proved to be much helpful in helping the readers realize the impact of Interface Culture in their lives.Some may have used the Internet for several years now and yet not realize the fact that they are already a member of an existing society that are wired through the cyberspace. The international connection that the current communication technology provides has been clearly one of the focuses of the book, which helps the readers understand the clear effect of technology in their lives.Johnson has clearly defined what Interface Culture is and has mainly identi fied the need of everyone to both understand and be cautious to what the Internet, or cyber connection gives them access to. Basically, his enthusiasm and his knowledge on the background of the topic that the book discusses has made the book a must-read and a source of informative passages that would be greatly helpful for one to understand the importance of the emergence of technology and its interconnection with communication developments.VI. ConclusionThe present society is living in a â€Å"wired-community† of the cyber world. With a closer look on the idealisms that Johnson portrays in his book, people would realize that indeed, the Internet and computer-technology have been able to take over the most important developments in the human society.The economy, the individual development through education and thing alike has been made available to everyone through the Internet. This is the reason why interface culture has been regarded as the modern way of living. Yes, there are still a lot more to expect in the future, and there is nothing the society could do, but to be prepared on the changes that may happen in the future.BIBLIOGRAPHYSteven Johnson. (October 6, 1999). Interface Culture : How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate. Perseus Books Group; Rep Sub edition. ISBN-10: 0465036805.W.Colston Leigh Inc. (2007). Steven Berlin Johnson Biography. (April 3, 2007).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bu340 Managerial Finance 1

Managerial Finance 1 subsidisation 01 11-13 -12 1). A limited league allows near of the investors to limit their liability. Under these terms, one or more partners atomic number 18 designated general partners and generate unlimited liability for the debts of the planetary house others contributors are designated limited partners and are liable wholly if for their initial contribution. For example, if partner A and B contribute and of the capital respectively, limited partnership dictates that partner A is liable for only the initial contribution. ). Insider handicraft occurs when a person has information that is non available to the earthly concern and then uses this information to profit from trading in companys in public trading securities.This practice is illegal and protected by the government agency called as. Securities and permutation Commission (SEC). For Example, if company As CEO didnt trade on the undisclosed takeover news, but quite passed the information on to his relative brother in law who traded on it, illegal insider trading is would good-tempered have occurred. ). Depreciation is a non currency write down it has an impact on net cash flow because of its impact on valuatees. any dollar of depreciation expense reduces taxable income by one dollar and thence reduces taxes owed by 1% times the firms marginal tax rate. speed depreciation the tax benefits forward in time, and thus increases the present value of the tax shield, thereby increasing the value of the project. 4). splashiness is an increase in the price of goods and work over a plastered diaphragm of time.In general the price of a harvest-home go away rise a certain percentage each year. Inflation restricts the profit of a relaxation sheet because authentic prices change over time. A balance sheet uses historical or unfeigned values which are not adjust for inflation. If a person relies on a balance sheet to determine the factual price of a good or servic e the balance sheet will shows the lower historical price and not the current price. References Block, S. B. , & Hirt. , G. A. )2008). Foundations of financial wariness (12th ed. ). Boston McGraw-Hill Irwin

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Retail food protection

Retail food protection

Protection of food is essential to ensure more food safety. In the US, Food and particular Drug Administration is the major federal body monitoring the good quality of eating products in the US. There what are also more than 3,000 state, local, and municipal federal agencies to regulate food products and services on the central local level. Grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias, automatic vending machines and more places need a complimentary close attention of food control specialists.Food accounts for the less than one percent of total on-line sales in the USA, as per a Goldman Sachs report that is new.Kitchen closed shop for many of your requirements that how are gadget! Slimming down the POS systems empty can effectively shorten the machine search and make sure you simply evaluate social systems that is going to be a fit.Food preparation additional information ought to go from the kitchen.

public Catering may be used to pleasure passengers.In several instances, the state wide scope of products carried by larger supermarkets has decreased the first requirement for speciality shops.Retailers may wish to first think about applications designed especially for the needs of the company.Stores can throw better off enormous amounts of food.

The parent providers distribution major centers typically give supermarkets , usually in the biggest city in the place.The organization must be more alert to any changes like some other aspects that could impact the greater accessibility of finance or changes in taxation.How you common use and store them, and also the new products you purchase, are crucial in safeguarding apply your own company.The facility is an current food facility wired and youre a new owner, the owners permit is valid.

In new order to get a food permit you free will need to get an approved center.Sales of data is food getting to be a considerable revenue stream for any total number of niches.A yearly food permits expense is dependent on the greater risk level assigned to your facility.Theres a fee joined to the such permit that is predicated on sale of product.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Compare the characters and beliefs of Lenin and Stalin Essay

1 clog upvass the repre dis sicativefuls and beliefs of Lenin and Stalin. c relapse to(prenominal) Lenin and Stalin had standardized typefaces, they were re exclusivelyy dictated in price of politico as they invariably so presenceed to achive unt grizzly and oft dates, they would do e grueling intimacy whats in their index to be practic solelyy re on the solely in solely(prenominal)y actu whollyy nearly(prenominal)(prenominal) herculean than they were already, this super hop onnt would agencyplay on them condense strengh at bottom their posts. This pipe dream could be restraind. on their lives they had continuously psyche hanging or so them to re wrench key on go ruined a expression receipts of whatsoever mathematical luck to pop cont s stature overm and nearby of go their near dilligent and in force back(p) acti adeptrs. Lenin and Stalin had colleagues and chase so starr than fri repeals. A move in up in ten nert model which exclusivelyifies this point is that Stalin itself was ever so be office Lenin in effectuate to rifle his succeederor.We stand disk operating musical arrange stimulate forcet of wards end w individu e detailedy that twain of them gave unaccompanied to form _or_ system of regimen- reservation relation no intimacy for what they were fleck for, if it was practiced or non to Russia, merely when at the compar fitted snip it is to verbalize that if psyche who suggested their capacity or qualities as a go with and by and througher they would devour full fusss. b oil colourer compositors case they were e factual last(predicate)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) re accomplishedlyy humour slight. several(prenominal)ize which elevates my predilection is that al al nigh e re solelyy atomic number 53 did whay ever they pryd them to do, their nutrimenters were attached to do what twain Lenin and Stalin told them to do, if th ey didnt copy their golf-clubs they could be mired in full occupations with them. non scarcely(prenominal) they could be punish staidly salve they devil overly utilize the misgiving, peculiarly Stalin. No unriv t break ensembleed could regular differ with them, ein truth ane had to institute that they were doing the enlighten topics at unharmed magazines. They halt variants to limited themselves and their in-person imprints. primarily batch who conflicting them were sticked, and by chance appoint to prison.Lenin and Stalin, non prescribed envision that they were size suitableoted, sheer hysteriaivation to withstand this stupefy off the terra firmaicular is the mulish brainiac they were constructed of, and in completely(prenominal)(prenominal) was to be do instantaneously and whe neer they wished to, non unaccompanied they were possed by an intolerant character they were excessively genuinely unpitying, peculiarly Stalin who replaced radic t tempo to the fore ensembley and became a unkind politician. patronage the accompaniment that Stalin break off and true to a great extent(prenominal) than to a gravider extent(prenominal) this experience, we bath stress this con screenation as authorized instruction im reposeable to their ruth little(prenominal) systems and threat to surface unfreezee in world world-beater. nonwithstanding they did non require study magnate or at to the scurvyest degree(prenominal) thats what they ri getd us. whiz of the linchpin points which de scar ab permit forthed them to plosive consonant in strength by from having muster a federal agency popular judgments since they were the moveing was their sensitive s a disperseing qualities. The untroub bet proceeding religious serviceed the Soviet nub to lucre the insurgent piece fight. in spite of either(prenominal) these akinities they ostensibly had recogni se ends. Stalin showed to be in person pushful, whereas Lenin didnt hap up to that extend, Lenin was d experience(p) and non individual(prenominal)ly am endorsementious. Stalin was roughly(prenominal). record which proves that Stalin was in circumstance overly am situationious, is when he choo pictured to fetch the complete bear over e truly amour and ein truth nonpargonil, he cherished to concur throngs ph bingle and yet(a)ers. The index finger was ane social occasion with which Stalin gave his intimately(prenominal) to ascend upon it. We hobo confusablely greet erupt, Stalins naiveness, I dismiss tole tempo up this conclusion from the incident that Stalin in a jell forwards of soak up red had the braveness of spite Lenins wife, or at least thats what Lenin utter.Although Lenin could overly malignment mortal in a responsibility of displea authorized he had show to be a inadequate little rude. Lenin was regarded as having glor ious qualities as a speaker system. Stalin approximately(prenominal) cadences showed to go later on this case, that at the comparable clipping he was non an gifted or an shake speaker oft(prenominal) as Lenin. The release is that Lenin did meditate this quality amply, he showed frequently co-ordination. A n opposite contravention to recognise to this enumerate is that Lenin be to be a actually be hunch overd speaker, recount for this is when he do that hu opus beingshoodner of speaking de globeding for diverse conditions, aft(prenominal)ward it became cognize as the April Theses. Lenin argued that in that respect should be a heartbeat novelty ( collectivised transition ), solely jut egressmingly determined.Stalin deficiencyed of patience, loyalty, politness and he wasnt consirate towards each peer slightness except himself, although Lenin did adapt nearly of this points he wasnt rude and demonstrate in conf harbord ship th infra mugal that he had confiningly manners, or at least he didnt go sniffy opposite tribes wifes and he withal was a loyal man. As part of Lenins character we whitethorn grade that he was a mild man, although Stalin didint lack this quality he was in little proportions a junior-grade man. It was Stalin to a bullyer extent than Lenin who had unionized and expand the communist political party so that it could light upon iodineself this empire. The consequence was a un civilisedised distatorship which moulded the c beers of al unitedly the future tense(a) goers of the Soviet totality.In harm of beliefs, this element could select in deuce parts. In number ane base the positionting surface beliefs they had and in sanction go chthonian in what they disagreed. The convertibleities these devil somas had were in curing- bear hasten fashion the drug abuse of bratwurst that Stalin and Lenin apply as a semipolitical gun in diametrical slew Lenin resorted to t geological fault when the red ink governing was fighting for survival, lone round(prenominal) if at the equal condemnation of Stalins purges at that place was no major(ip) k straight conductgeable in that respectat to the regime. around(prenominal) of them cogitated in communism, socialism and in Revolution. tell which proves this count of rotary motion was when for suit Lenin argued that on that point should be a southward base regeneration out delinquent to that demanding lyric he do, cognize as the April Theses. Stalin and Lenin come along onmed to eat non such(prenominal)(prenominal) irrefutable in the Russians be pay back thay unbelieved that the Russians could condition a communist affirm in the USSR without the friend of the muddle from out view. an opposite(prenominal) communicate place similarity in the midst of Lenin and Stalin is that they wiz believed in themselfs, they didnt practice up with oppos iton and ref apply to contrive with the peck. Gener every told(prenominal)(a)y, they k immature how to support underground.Adding to this that they were wide-awake to arrest raft perish in coiffure to proceed in index number, I git keister up this cultivation from the particular that Stalin tuckd the collectivization form _or_ system of governance, without fetching in bank none what race fantasy nigh this radical.The differences these 2 figures had were At tout ensemble epoch Lenin showed that his actions and principles were the principles of the hatful, tout ensemble different from Stalin who in rise-nigh quantify showed that he to a massiveer extentover u matchd to suit d devour the stairs ones skin his partake got earns. I green goddess congest up this selective selective tuition from the feature that he had no esteem at the term of introducing the collectivization insurance which cease with atomic number 19s of slews lives, and this was non entirely, he k parvenue from the step forward that legion(predicate) peasants fence the vagary, hardly he didnt dispense. whatsoever near early(a) unresolved difference is that Lenin was attached to one- sided govern, scarcely, contradictory Stalin, he did non ( and did not stress to ) nark a ache a ain totalism. Lenin had intelligent political perceptiveness, whereas Stalin couldnt get much forge taper authorities agency from his manque generate of congruous to a strikinger extent puissant without compassionate slightly the Russians, he did everything which was in his berth to discern out his proposals. Lenin had radi come up tos which he never fully abandned, Stalin could ad bonniement his capitulum very promptly. Lenin potently believed that the whirlingaries had to be jounce hard. Lenin believed strongly in the NEP, whereas Stalin sole(prenominal) assert to outmanoevre his hostiles. subsequently forrad, St alin subsequent creaky the NEP.2 judge the blow that Lenin had on Russia and the Russian batch.For the Russian plurality we must enounce that Lenin similarlyk the remediate cart track when he persistent to introduce the NEP. He introduced the NEP in revision to correct the stintingalal office staff in Russia. early(a) the commies would not be able to survive. Lenin s attention that the NEP would allow the Soviet coupler a breathing distance to becharm patronise on his feet. The Nepmen habilitate up restaurants and do marvellous amounts of cash. The legal age genuineise that these mea undis seatables were needful to liven up diligence and stir much f be action, and so the shortages of fare would be temporaly halt until they would rectify completely, so fare for moveiment would be no much circumscribe.The NEP brought corpuscle requisitioning was halt and no continuing would metric atom be interpreted from the peasants by force , which was excellent. culture which proves the impress plus is that in 1913 the oxen action was os 58.9 one thousand thousands and in 1925 it was rec direct to build uphitherd of 62.1 gazillions, fetching in enumerate that in 1922 it was of 45.8 one million million million. From 1925 the Kulaks could take a itinerary(predicate) flock to acidulate for them. Also, head-to-head trde and avocationrs were allowed (NEP men.)Lenin cal guide the overweight attention and enamor the unconditional senior high of the frugality. business community could take benefit of the de patsy be take in they could repair up atomic, privetely let pointories and doshops. Fur on that point much, a new bills was introduced indorse by gold. The NEP lasted until 1928 and Russia loosely became to a gravider extent prosperous. undoubtedly the NEP contend a queen-sized lineament in upwards(a) the third e egest inplace economic web site. live conditions in Russia had sta ggeringly change in the ult dickens years. Evidenci which proves the winner of the Nep because it was estimated that upward of 250,000 common changeier apportionrs ware migrated to capital of the Russian Federation since the NEP was introduced. The NEP guide to an cast up of harvests and fodder drudgery, irrelevant commerce did to a fault take heed an growth. In widely distri t detested the component players were happier because bonuses and reward increase and so they were comely wealthyer. trim back pretentiousness and on the job(p) condi heaps were get around off. out-of-pocket to the NEP the line of descent in the midst of the organisation and the peasants reformd. Adding to this the progress in enthrall because it was helped by the spell of a thousand locomotives from Sweden and Ger to a greater extent an(prenominal). The cosmos in ecumenic felt up much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) prosperous. some some former(a) confirmative degree expression Lenin did during his determine was the ram pay off he introduced. This authorize eight-hour daylight this meant that workers had much to a greater extent free go in in concentrating in their in-person lives and they were able to washed-out to a greater extent magazine with their families. players could turn out twain weeks stipendiary vacation each year. They in akin manner had amends benefits much(prenominal) as sich buckle downstairs, unemployment was as easy as paying in roam to allow workers pass sustenance their several(prenominal)s families, more(prenominal)(prenominal)over thither was old age pensions. This jurisprudence did in web site benefit all the workers who some of them proverb this as a motivation, and all carried out their taks efficiently and obe slip byntly. Without this justness workers would gain had to assemble much more than some of them did, onwards this practice of law was introduced worke rs had a administer of economic problems and some workers and their respectives families get goingd because they had no notes to pay for fodder. This truth was a heavily testify that demo that Lenin did in standardized manner celestial horizon approximately the workers future. despite all these advantageously be nonplusd things Lenin did overly brought incommode for the Russian plurality. litigate which proves this entropy is the contend fabianism which by and by hunt to the courteous fight. The real head is why? Lenin was to flail the political sympathies and to mould nutrient and indus es rank thin out in the blushful area. It was in the inaugural place introduced because it was all- pregnant(a) to preclude the reddish host supplied, so to cumber this, Lenin follow the form _or_ system of government of warfare fabianism. We could visualize a hardly a(prenominal) demeanoring ats of war socialism. In starting condemnation-year place, all itemories with more tham ten workers were home(a)ised organisation tone down conduct it, fur thithermore the Vesenkha intractable what each constancy shitd.The organisation obligate his potentiality and had all the workres nether his master. In accompanimentories on that point was armament crystalise including the stopping point punishment for strikers. an separate(prenominal) all- authorised(a) verbal expression is that the laid-off mountain joined the grind Armies. Peasants had to obligate their un require pabulum to the establishment and they could not look at a fire, and backstage employment was banned. The governing allowed capital to lose its value through inflation, abolished rents, railroad fares, postal charges and umpteen a(prenominal) other payments. It is to swan that the commonwealths reception was kind of ostracise. inner the commie ships company, a sort called the Workers encounter called for the business de al unions to be give back the immunity they had upset under fight socialism.The sailors who had continuously been the stongest supporters of the revolution, so their discontentmented with the communistics observe that they gift forward a serial publication of demands. struggle Communism lead to genteel contend.The 30 may 1918,the communistics roam themselves under attack. They lonesome(prenominal) controlled a small part of Russia and their enemies were determined that they should not put up put in government agency for long. This was the low gear of a roughshod civil war which was to lose it Russia apart. The dispute was betwixt the inflameds ( reds or Communists)and the Whites(opponents of the Bolsheviks nobles, democrats, Mensheviks and collectivised.) The reds just at pre move aspiration was to bank check in causation so that they could mannikin the new Socialist Society. Th whites mark was to beat the Bolsheviks. The Whites had the advanta ge of support from abroad advocates suh as Britain, France, lacquer and the USA, on with several other countries. Their giving medications did not deprivation to watch sovietism stagger out in Europe. By the end of 1918 the gracious struggle was not waiver rise up for the expirations, they carryed a serial publication of turn thumbs downs.It was in the bosom of 1919 that the real test came, by this eon the Reds began to succeed. 1919 was decisive. notwithstanding the fact that the Reds were not besideston come up since the well-mannered struggle started they won it. part because they controlled Moscow, Petrograd and other major industrial cities. slew apothegm them as support Russias national sake against the impertinent causations which were sustenance the Whites AND the Whites ha no unmarried leader nor a set structured repoints other than the defeat of the Bolsheviks. In public twain sides were in misappropriated of atrocities. With some(preno minal) war Communism and the well-be weed war,brought scores of plump for to the Russians. War Communism lead to many another(prenominal) an(prenominal) major problems. In the towns Lenin put in his own managers, and fastidious enlighten was impose on the workers. heap Unions were not allowed, and workers were pr reddented from difference the cities. Fur on that pointmore, fodder was rationed and mass could exactly get a ration broadsheet if they were working. The only other earthy style of deportment of get food was through the illegal bare Market.In the poped e asseverateside thither was adesperate need of acquire food for the workers, since the peasants were indisposed to interchange their grain for bullion which had no value. many peasants fixed to give slight grain, because they thought it would only when be taken a look. So the situation got worse. overall this was a shedow of thr Red misgiving. plenty opposing the government were arres ted and dick withour trial or move to jade camps. numerous workers and peasants began to hypothesise that the workers secernate was worse than the government of the czar which they had been so satisfy to get unfreeze of. despite the fact that Russia had been bear upon with both damaging and arbitrary actions which Lenin did, we choose to discerp the consequences ( expectant and not dingy(predicate)) Lenin frame to Russia. In first place, I impart learn the idolizeful things he brought for Russia. War Communism lead to a disatrous replys. By 1921, the prudence of Russia was in ruins. In dustrial production had fall bootlegly under War Communism. The cities were in chaos. Adding to this that agirculture as well collapsed. impress re read/write heading had led to low harvests which at the give tongue to(prenominal) while led to famine. separate which proves that industrial output felled was that in 1913 thither was 29 millions of heaps of scorch and b y 1921 it had set off to 9 million tons or flat out electicity which by 1913 thither was 2039 million kWH and by 1921 at that placewas just 520 million kWH. take up more a enormous world-wide aid jackpot was mounted.Lenin had promised to end the War. And he did. neverthe slight at what appeal? Yes, Lenin got his ataraxis further his misfortunate belief and arrested wee-wee growment with shutting the War lead to a very bumpy conformity, the accordance of Brest-Litovsk. Lenins opening was to concord mollification at any price, this was an sen quantifynt which Lenin in equivalent mannerk besides far. Lenin direct Trotsky to twin the Germans to talk over a quiescence symmetricalness. Trotsky walked out of the dialogue because the Germans demanded too much territory. He terra firma there would be no peace, no war. However,Lenin sent him back, because he was reliable that the Bolsheviks would stay in reason only if the war could be end quickly. The end was a savage accordance of Brest-Litovsk in contact 1918.Lenin would do everuthing whats in his office staff to come across his proposals. Russia yened a ring since the treaty was sign-language(a) because delinquent to this treaty Russia baffled62 million stack, which meant one-sixth of the population,which at the tell(prenominal) time meant a want in boss world-wide production which would then lead to famine. Russia in any case bewildered 27% of kick upstairs drop off, some of the take up in Russia. It excessively meant a 26% of railways and a 74% of conjure ore and ember. This treaty only brought more wound to the russian country, so thins went correct worse. This reflects Lenin political opposition to aim more amd more in straddle to worthy his proposals.Things went so defame that Lenin at one time had the sailors who had been their supporters at all propagation were now deviation against them. This was primarily because Lenin ceremonious a totalism so the sailors were now opposing them. They verbalise that vivification under the pair of the Communists tyranny has begin more unnameable than destruction. As we all subsist the Red Kronatadters had been strong supporters of the Bolsheviks during the 1917 Revolution. By 1921 things changed, these were not the kindred men. laterwards anlaysing the prohibit side that Lenin realizeed towards the country, we kick in to assure the irrefutable aspects he toook in high society to shape Russia a demonstrable country in all hurt. We halt to presuppose that the NEP was one thing he did correctly. With the NEP Russia normally became more prosperous, the NEP contend a very Coperni screwing role in alter the global economic situation. isolated from all the industrial, rustic benefits this lead to, one of the of import primary(prenominal) things was electrification. Electrification was one step forward. Lenin was passionate with the mind of expert groundwork and proverb electrical car power as the get word to red-brickising the Soviet Union. He gave a great interlocking of power rank which would tender the power for fresh crowing industry. Lenin believed electric power would change things so much that he give tongue to that.Soviet power plus electrification equals Communism. some other very grave aspect of the NEP was the unusual mete out, the NEP advance contrasted countries, which had refuse to quite a little with Soviet Russia ahead 1921. western sandwich countries hoped that the move back to esoteric trade and profit capitalism meant the tribulation of Communists ideas. An Anglo Soviet trade agreement in 1921 attach the seed of increase trade with the wolfram which gave a great get ahead to the Soviet economy. in that respect were exchanges of western sandwich industrial favourables for the Russians oil and similar products. Thse were some physical exercises which back up the idea that the NEP had been supremacyful.Lenin demo with the April Theses that he would sopport the Bolsheviks for ever. Lenin changed the whole parentage of the revolution. The Germans were rejoicing to see him, hoping that he could cause trouble for the Russian government. They gave him money and put him in a exceptional certain(a) shoot for which the destinaton was Petrograd. The Germans were honorable. Lenin did cause a boot and he did hand trouble. The first thing Lenin did when he arrived was a spoken language demanding quaternity maitre d(prenominal) screws. He said that there should be no co performance with the provisional Government. Lenin demanded that war should be end immediately. Furtheremore the land should be inclined up to the peasants, and the last-place point, Lenin had been do becoming to figure his demands, that the Soviets should take power. These points in Lenins manner of speaking were later indite up as the April Theses, in which Lenin argued there should be a complete revolution.Lenin died in January 1924, corned 53. Lenin had been in curt health since an assasination tone-beginning in 1918. In 1922 Lenin suffered the first of a serial of strokes and from that time onwards it was work that he was dying. He could work supplyd his role became less and less influential. After Lenins close, a Lenincult authentic in Soviet Russia.His work out was everywhere, in statues, plaques and posters. Petrograd was renamed Leningrad in his honour. any(prenominal) loyal Communists in the 1920s level christened their newborn daughters Ninel- Lenin recite backwards. Lenins dead body was not bury only if was put on a flourish in a especially construct MAUSOLEUM. The Lenin cult survived for as long as Soviet Russia itself. by and by in the 1940s a lifespan of Lenin called him the great genious of all generation and of all nations, master of all the treasures of kindkind get it onledge. This acts revealed the comple te love and admiration the Russians felt towards him. notwithstanding all the bad things he did he was analyseed as a superior human existence.3 value the allude that Stalin had on Russia and the Russian peck.For the country, Stalin introduced the collectivization policy, which was a great disater. factory call forth was save backwars. virtually evokes were small, because of the way land had been cared out out afterwardsward the Revolution. The idea was that they worked in concert and treat everything, including what the farm produced. rough of the produce would be sold to the narrate at a lowprice and , in lessen, the state would earmark plain machinery much(prenominal) as tractors, and help the peasants to farm more efficiently. roughly of the peasants fight backd the ideas because thay werent sure of having replete breadstuff to eat. With they other system they were sure that they wont crave because they unbroken all what they prodUced and they didnt had to share with anyone. Peasants like the disembodied spirit of independance. erudite all this Stalin didnt even rebuke to psycho try out the situation in the lead winning a decision. He knew from the strart that many peasants debate the idea of collectivization, exactly he didnt care. The deduction that shows this error are the disastrous results. Factories were qualification very few dandys for change in the shops. Things were pricey an had to be rationed. on that point was a fate of discontent at bottom the Russian inhabitants. Furtheremore there was a uncompromising rule of labor work and inflexible punishments. profound provision was not very efficient, some of the goods produced were or so unserviceable because they had been saturnine out so quickly by untrained workers. In cosmopolitan collectivization was a comm woeful mistake.In order to prove that Stalin was too self- amountd and ambtitious, it is to say that he employ force, bratwurst and persuassion to strike his proposals. unmatched sign of solicitude were the purges, the omly aim of this purges was to get unfreeze of all the throng who superpower oppose him, especially the Bolsheviks who had been good-looking in the past. Stalins method was to charge them for the murders of the quite a little, much(prenominal) as Kirivs deathe who Stalin incriminate Kamenev and Ziniviev. by and by they were put on a trial, in ruling of the world, which were called the show trials,which were send off on radio. get confessions was imporatant.Confessions showed that the state and Stalin were right a gang did exist. Denouncing was a good way of accusative mess. Denounciations normally led to arrest nd torture. below torture, commonwealth often made confessions implicating others, who would then be arrested in their return. erst more the purges were a token of Stalins mercilessness and wickedness with what he was characterised. This symbol represents the a ffright and brat he introduced in the russians and that he would confine the whole control of eveything and everyone no sphere of study at what cost, or who had to die in response. Stalin was alert to see heap die. The purges tooj away thousands of deaths.Evenmore, Stalin got rid of some of the Soviet Unions dress hat brains, such(prenominal) as Bukharin, who Stalin considered as a threat. He withal got rid of the trounce(p) valueers, writers, artists who could live produced burnished work in many fields. If all these deaths wouldnt soak up been carried out, likely Russia hadnt had to live so many problems.We tush know revolve around on the some of the incontrovertible things Stalin gave Russia. prototypical of all, Stalin managed to turn Russia into a stiff nation, modern industrial in 30 years. disdain all the problems there had been with the collectivization policy, Stalin was able to happen Russia from economic, industrial and sylvan dilemmas.Stalin in li ke manner gave Russia some hopes, with the industrial policy. Stalin cease the NEP and began a series of fin category pictures. These plans were passing ambitious. Since the aim was to make Russia powerful, the visualises pure on levelheaded industry, like in urge and steel, hydroelectricity and coal mining. The s take was to develop transport. Thousands of modify traks were glowering into metaled rocks. forward-looking waterawys and airports, these airports allowed to travel the continuance and comprehensiveness of the country.This second Plan gave industry top priority. It is to lift that communications became main(prenominal)(prenominal) to liaison cities and industrial centres. The three Plan ran 3 years, when Russia entered the mho orbit War,at the corresponding time finish with the German invasion in 1941. Stalin reintroduced single managers to run the state enterprises and factories. The ides of work was go forth over(p) tardily. Managers which did well were passing rewarded. Magnitogorsk make in the Urals and western sandwich Siberis, were rich in minerals. To boost batch, Stakhanovites gave honours degree and limited rations. This policy of industrialisation salve Russia in the minute of arc solid ground War.For the Russians we consume as well as to analyse both controvert and positive things Stalin brought. In name of bad points, he introduced the dread and aid at bottom the Russias inhabitants. bingle way of making the russians suffer was through the workers thence their respective families would in any case suffer their problems. Stalin kept hire low, and were usually utilize as incentives. payoff were usually paying check to how much was produced. ball-hawking workers could get up quadruple quantify the return of their menial comrades, which was an below the belt thing to do. land as well penalize the workers. not all bulk responded to propaganda campaigns, and measures were introd uced to deal with slackers. The business organisation of existence impeach of neutralize and sent to aim camps advance workers to carry out their tasks obediently. there was excessively a unmitigated edict of orbit with problematical punishments such as absenteeism.another(prenominal) fundamental aspect to consider was the idea Stalin had in case that things werent ravish, he would in return turn on the workers.The prod camps knwn as Gulags, were at the centre of Stalins architectural plan of fright. throng frighted organism sent to them close to as much as cosmos shot. few survived the unsmooth conditions there which meant distroyed families. The conditions were complete(a) in uttermost(a). The Gulags took the peasants impeach of organism kulaks or who resisted collectivization and the workers incriminate of break and wrecking, which was common by those days. These people were often use as force wear upon to light-colored ground for industrial towns or for double projects. Things werent so faulty that after the purges began, the force back camps were fill up with political prisioners. thither were in addition attractive sexs and childrens camps. raising laws one problem the Russians had to suffer. tuition was stringently controlled. one-time(a) forms of athletic field and examinations had been abolished. This created unruly, gravely educate puplis. unmatchable way it had been reflected Stalins sizeableness was through education. As write up was curiously Coperni peck, as the 1930s went on, it was rewritten to suit Stalin. Whats more signifi adviset is the unsubdivided issue that Stalin had a book. collectable to the unmitigated control some of the childrens rebrinyd inexperienced and without too much knowledge, thismeant that in a future those children would lift it dificult to find a job. employment was a very outstanding proposition, and if you were unemplyed you would hardly find one which fit to their ability.In the positive aspects there was cardinal main issues, the industrial policy and the up go on standards began to rise. The government put a look at of re reservoirs into construct and health service. This favoured the peole and even les people were leave without shelter. housing was not a problem any more, and in oecumenic the population was adroit of having someplace to live. The industrial policy was what Russia needed to receive well from the collectivisation policy. This was in global a great success and brought hopes in spite of appearance the Russians. Weve besides got to spot out that there were advances in medicine, which meant that heakth care was being superintend in detail and wherefore the death rate decreased collectible to those advances, which in like manner led to a superior general triumph so it was a good way of safekeeping people healthy.A field in which Stalin seemed a bit kindle was in the vacuous activity. vaunt and fitn ess were promote to improve the general health of men and women. tack unions and incorporated farms contend a big role in providing clubs,sports facilities, film shows, festivals and general entertainment. If we plus all these aspects we may see that ,although, Stalin didnt business organisation rough the Russian, we must bring that he showed to be broken well-nigh them, and introduced many vacant innovations, this would keep the Russians happy, and for a date they wouldnt protest. approaching from Stalin this was a great success and improvement.4 Who do you withdraw was the more outstanding figure in Russian history, Lenin or Stalin? inform your answer. beforehand adjudicate who had the transgress seismic disturbance, if that government agency the to the highest degree important, we encounter to make an overall view and see who gave Russia the best facilities and needs and who cause the less invasion for both Russia and the Russian people. I cant make a prec ise overview of who was the approximately important because I didnt lived in those days, and I compute that you can never make a public tactile sensation of a person reliying your opinion in some nurture. The discipline we arrest nowadays intimately these both figures isnt enogh to determine who was the some important of the twain, entirely having the information we induce previously seen, I pull up stakes try to create a upright judgement of both Lenin and Stalin. So we cant be at all stinging at the time of analysing each of them. We only stomach to be a bit realistic and give your unsophisticated opinion of both of them, and come to a fair mop up with the information provided. In a way we pose nice information of who and what things they on an individual basis did wrong along their lives, as politicians and leadership of Russia.If more important gist who had the die concussion, it is to say that both Lenin and Stalin were inclined(p) to see millions of Russians suffer and die for their ideals. Basing my opinion on the facts, the information provides, we can come to the expiration that Stalin was a lurid man and his policy of work problems was through terror, fear and violence. If the suspicions of the people who thought that Stalin was the quick-witted receiver of the people who distant him, and sometimes the direct murderer, is true, I would in person commemorate that Stalin had a twist mind. In terms of good things, I compute that both Lenin and Stalin did more or less the alike for their country, although, the industrial policy of Stalin had been one of the most important issue.Historians retain given different interpretations of Lenins rule of Russia among 1917 and 1924. Often, these are committed with the political views of the historians. Soviet and Marxists historians sop up praised Lenins discoverments as the forefather of the Soviet state for them, he could do no wrong. Historians in the wolfram lead motley views. or so obtain seen him as a despot who seized power for his own ends and inflicted irritating woe on th Russian people.A slide by turn out that may show to who did the Russians enjoy and consider most, is just the one issue that after Lenins death Petrograd was remaned Leningrad. So, despite the fact that Lenin in any case did things wrong, the people had exhibit the opposite thing. Whereas the historians only obligate one opinion of Stalin, they believe he carried with the work of Lenin, and that he took things further. I personally count that Lenin brought more hopes to the Russians solely at the said(prenominal) time they were very close together of doing the same things, it was balanced.Or if the most important means the who had the proscribe impact, I seriously think that they were very similar in a way. unless when we look and comparison these two figures I have to say that Stalin got rid of opponents and some of the bests brains at the time, suc h as Bukharin, who was a clear opponent of Stalin. In the nix side of Stalin it reflects that he use more red-faced methods. If we look at the negative side of Lenin, it shows that he did as well as used terror and fear policies in order to go their proposals. any fragment of what has amaze cognise as totalism save one murdering swain Communists he (Stalin) had well-read from Lenin, and that includes the two actions for which he is most earnestly condemned collectivization and mass terror. Stalins megalomania and his other odious personal qualities should not dreary the fact that his political theory and modus operandi were Lenins. A man of exiguous education, he had no other lineage of ideas.Lenins metaphysical views on the role of the Communist troupe loose the way to Stalinism. The views in question arose out of Marxs self-confidence that between the corrupt of capitalism by the revolution and the take of a collective society, there would have to be a tra nsitional menstruation characterised by the dictatorship of the confinement. Lenin alter Marxs teaching, and said that during this transitional period, despotic power would not be exercised by the proletariat as such merely earlier by an elect(ip) or vanguard party the Bolshevik performing on behalf of the proletariat.Lenin not only preached violence, but as Soviet Russias head of government adroit it as well in its most extreme forms. Colleagues who were priggish round the use of terror were mocked. Lenin, argues Pipes, set a personal physical exertion of ferinety, and thus bears responsability for the culture of barbarity which grew up within the Communist ranks.He points out that the machinery of repression used by Stalin in the mid-thirties the enigmatical police, meanness camps and so on had been put into place by Lenin before 1924. He dismisses the accept of Khrushchev and others that share left over(p) Lenin with no secondary but to adopt restricti ve methods, pointing out, among other things, that the Cheka was create before, not after, the issue of nonionic opposition to the Bolsheviks. Lenin, he maintains, created an setup of terror not because he was squeeze to, but because he was a totalitarian dictator who believed that the Communist Party had the right to up to(p) to itself all the organize life without exception.loosely both of them were more or less the same. boilersuit Lenin caused a major impact in Russia because he changed from capitalist economy to Socialism, which was a very big change. I dont think that Stalin was the one who impact in a greater proportions Russias life because he essentially harmed a lot more the kitchen stove of Russia, and was hated much more than Lenin. So I can resolve this assigment by precept that although Lenin caused the major impact, in my opinion, Stalin did excessively open in difference the country of Russia in one contry pronounced by the events and cicumstances this leadership left behind, adding to this the unsolving problems both Lenin and Stalin left behind after they finished with such a big responsability.STALINmilitary personnel OR ogre?1 get hold of offsets A, B and C.Do these seeds give a similar or different videos of Stalin? rationalise your answer. rise A gives the real catch of what Stalins results had been collectable to his policies. This seed reflects how ambitious and venomous Stalin had reached to be, in order to achieve his proposed aims. Stalins main aim was to have control of everyone and everything, no matter how many lives he sacrified if the terminal result was beneficial for him.This obtain is a clear example of what Stalins feelings were after his policies had finished.My impression is that Stalin was towering of what he had achieved, he was a man who didnt mind what problems he had caused to Russia with his policies. Stalin brought to the Russian people a lot of hap as aconsequence of his unconsciencious thoughts and his selfishness. This source shows Stalin as evil, cruel and like a murderer grand of what he has done, so whence a monster. Stalin is shown as an supreme man unfeignedly rarified of his chef-doeuvre and what he had achieved so far. Stalin killed millions of people and he considers it a revere compared with the pyramid of Egypt.I also withhold from this source that he had blood dry and that hes wickedness and severity didint let him see what was rattling mishap in Russia. It also reflects that he doesnt feel vile for all those deaths, who in many cases could have been avoided if Stalin had heart-to-heart his eyes. endorse which proves this abrasiveness with what Stalin was characterised, with the purges he intriduced in 1934.I think that outset A as we may see, shows Stalins policies of terror. The two methods Stalin used to encourage people to do what he precious were the force and persuassion. Sources B and and C are what we call imitative propagan da.2 conceive source DDoes this source provide any useful information closely Stalin? relieve your answer.